MOVEMENT as the source of HOPE
Posted October 31, 2016
For the last five years the NowWeMOVE campaign has been motivating citizens all over Europe to find and share their movements. Movements that give them joy, that connect them with their family and friends, and that help them to develop heathier and happier communities. And the work of these people, or MOVE Agents, has been inspiring and has motivated millions of Europeans to become physically active. It has even expanded to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, with the third edition of the Semana Muevela (MOVE Week in Latin America) being organised as I write.
But as contexts and environments change, the International Sport and Culture Association, the organisation behind the NowWeMOVE campaign, has cast its eye towards one of the major challenges facing Europe today: the refugee crisis. It is now embarking on two new projects that are reaching out to integrate and include refugees in their communities through sport and physical activity.
One of ISCA’s Danish partners, the Academy of Physical Education Ollerup, has already started activities in two different Asylum centre in their region. Taking advantage of the intercultural skills of their international students, as well as their leadership training through sports and physical activity, it took to the field from 17-21 October to bring joy and happiness to kids and their families who, than more than anyone, need a reason to keep playing and smiling.
Over the next days, we will bring you some stories and reflections from the international students of Ollerup Academy. Today, we start with Javier, a young man from Mexico, who shares his experience of working with refugees for the first time.