Dancing the way to joy and friendship - Pilot Activity in Finland


At MonaLiiku in Helsinki, music and happy laughter fill the halls thanks to a new dance program focused on integrating the Ukrainian children

This project, a pilot activity of the IRTS Ukraine Nordic, launched last fall, aims to offer Ukrainian children a chance to move their bodies, have fun, and build friendships in a safe and welcoming space. Twice a week, children explore the world of modern dance through creative storytelling and a variety of fun exercises - also, the ones proposed by the Danish project partners.

While getting started wasn't easy – finding the right instructor and reaching out to the Ukrainian community took some effort –  the team at MonaLiiku was determined to make it work. They listened closely to the needs of the Ukrainian Association in Finland and even hired a Ukrainian dance instructor to ensure cultural relevance.

The result? A vibrant dance group for Ukrainian children that quickly blossomed into a place of camaraderie and laughter. The instructor even shared how the children developed a strong sense of connection, just like classmates in a school setting!

But the fun doesn't stop there! The positive feedback from both the children and the community convinced MonaLiiku to expand the program. This spring, they're launching a brand new exercise group specifically designed for Ukrainian mothers and their children - Yoga flow with Baby in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association in Finland. 

This new initiative reflects MonaLiiku's commitment to providing support for the Ukrainian community in Helsinki. By offering activities that cater to different ages and interests, they're creating a space where families can connect, have fun, and build a sense of belonging in their new home.